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The International Mineral Processing Congress has been in existence now for more than sixty years. The very first congress was held in September 1952 in London, and with 39 technical papers and 332 delegates, it was indeed an impressive beginning of a series of ever...

The Competence Center of Recycling at Chalmers University of Technology in cooperation with Nordic Publishing, and with major organisations from the basic, chemical and recycling industries, are proud to invite you to the fourth ”Circular Materials Conference” on 7-8 March 2018 at Chalmers Conference Centre...

In addition to the well-known applications of tantalum, a new one is emerging: orthopaedic applications. As part of the European MSP-REFRAM project, a survey prepared by Ana Diez de la Rosa from ADE (Agency of Innovation, Business Financing and Internationalization of Castilla y León in Spain),...

The results from the MSP-REFRAM project (Multi-Stakeholder Platform for a Secure Supply of Refractory Metals in Europe) are now available.  Refractory metals (tungsten, tantalum, rhenium, molybdenum and niobium) are highly strategic metals today, and are mainly imported from a limited number of countries. The European primary production remains...

MEC2017 is the second joined conference, consisting of XIII International Conference on Non-Ferrous Ore Processing, XXII International Conference of Mineral Processing and LIV Symposium of Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing. The annual meeting is aimed at promotion of effective collaboration between business and academia. You will have...

In close collaboration with the Belgian Science Foundations FWO and FNRS, Umicore will award the Umicore Materials Technology Award 2017 – with a value of 10,000 euros. This prize is intended for young researchers who have obtained a PhD degree at a recognised university (worldwide)...

MSP-Refram Final Conference After one year of studies and analyses, the MSP-Refram partners came together on 9-10 March in Brussels to share the main results and conclusions of their work. The final project conference aimed at answering the following questions: Why are tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum, niobium and rhenium important to our society?What...

After one year of studies and analyses, the MSP-Refram partners came together on 9-10 March in Brussels to share the main results and conclusions of their work. The final project conference aimed at answering the following questions: Why are tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum, niobium and rhenium important to our society? What...

The International Solvent Extraction Conference (ISEC), which is held alternately every 3 years, is one of the major solvent extraction events worldwide. This unique meeting provides the opportunity for researchers to present papers and discuss applications and developments in the theory and practice of solvent...

This year 2017 has started on a good note for TrisKem International. The company has been awarded an ‘Oscar’ for its international development during the ‘Oscars of Ille-et-Vilaine’ ceremony on the 9th of February. TrisKem’s multicultural team speaks 7 languages fluently. Its scientific team has an...

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