PROMETIA is an international non-profit association (AISBL), according to 1921 Belgium law, established in Brussels.
PROMETIA is an international non-profit association (AISBL), according to 1921 Belgium law, established in Brussels.
The General Assembly is the highest body of the Association, in which all Full Members are represented and decisions are made.
Activities of the association are implemented by the Executive Committee (ExCom) under the coordination of its Chairman. The Chairman and members of the ExCom are elected by the GA.
A Technical Secretariat appointed by the General Assembly is in charge of daily management tasks of the association.
Finally, Technical groups are in charge of specific activities.
The Scientific Board coordinates Research & Development activities, covering the different skills and Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs). Its members are experts in the field and are appointed by the GA.
The Pilot Board coordinates activities between the piloting facilities.