The Horizon 2020 SCRREEN project, in which PROMETIA is involved, works to strengthen Europe’s critical raw material strategy through building an expert network. Coordinated by the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) the consortium comprises 30 partners from 15 countries.


  • Establish an EU Expert Network that covers the whole value chain for current and future critical raw materials. It will build on existing structures and initiatives, as well as international collaboration, and will aim at clustering related EU projects and initiatives.
  • Analyse pathways and barriers for innovation, and identify the solutions for overcoming them. These should enable technology breakthroughs, substitution options, new resources (primary, secondary, urban mines), etc.
  • Study the regulatory, policy and economic framework for the development of these technologies and propose ways to move forward, while looking at end of life issues. The objective is to lift barriers and ultimately boost the creation of new markets in Europe, inducing job and wealth creation.
  • Identify the knowledge gained over the last years and ease the access to these data widely and efficiently, beyond the project. SCRREEN will collect and organise all of the data generated in other projects, associations, initiatives etc, and develop a knowledge data portal.

Learn more about the SCRREEN project!

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