What does PROMETIA Association offer to its members?
If you wish to build a project ranging from basic research to pre-industrial development at pilot-scale, PROMETIA can help you implement it by proposing the best consortium that matches your needs.
PROMETIA can bring the support you need to be successful in receiving European funds under the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, HORIZON 2020. Defining and promoting your project in the “HORIZON 2020 language” now requires specific know-how that PROMETIA can bring to its members. Guidance and support in the writing and the submission of your project proposal is one of the ways the Association can make it happen.
With the strong involvement of piloting facilities in the network, PROMETIA will help research partners take their ideas further and make them grow in the TRL scale to become more attractive for industry. Equally, when industry will address an issue to the piloting platforms, they will have the full support of the research partners to propose and design the best technical answer.
METNET NetworkThanks to its Scientific Board, PROMETIA will coordinate the R&D needs between industry and research in order to optimise the use of means and money, easing the communication between both communities.
Through the commitments selected by the European Innovative Partnership on Raw Materials (EUROPEM and METNET commitments), PROMETIA will deliver a label acknowledged at European level. PROMETIA will also be active in representing and supporting your interests at the European Commission level, but also in any organisation or agency that could support R&D activities in mineral processing and extractive metallurgy.
PROMETIA will contribute to training and education actions in mineral processing and extractive metallurgy by supporting related events, providing experts on demand and organising dedicated schools or workshops when needed.