04 Jan 13th International Mine Water Association Congress
For over 30 years the International Mine Water Association (IMWA) has provided a forum for international discussion on mine water and mine drainage issues. A global congress every three years is an important part of this work. It brings together more than 300 academics, professionals and policy-makers from 28 countries spanning fields of civil and mining engineering, chemistry, hydrobiology and geophysics.
IMWA 2017’s Congress theme will be “Mine Water & Circular Economy”. Circular economy means, “closing the loop” of product lifecycles by improving recycling and re-use. In case of mine water, this means that mining wastes and mine water are used to extract valuable materials, such as metals, fertilizers or adsorbents for waste water purification. We are expecting high calibre presentations about this subject, but every mine water related theme will be covered during IMWA’s 13th Congress.
- Location: Rauha, Lappeenranta – FINLAND
- Date: 25–30 June 2017
- Download flyer
- Congress website and registration