22 Mar MSP-Refram’s final conference: presentations now available
MSP-Refram Final Conference
After one year of studies and analyses, the MSP-Refram partners came together on 9-10 March in Brussels to share the main results and conclusions of their work.
The final project conference aimed at answering the following questions:
- Why are tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum, niobium and rhenium important to our society?
- What are the main resources in Europe, both primary and secondary?
- How are these metals being produced today?
- Are they substitutable?
- Could we improve the European independence in their supply and increase production? How?
Thursday 9 March
Setting the scene
- Introduction from DG GROW – Manuel Herrero-Gomez, DG-GROW
- Current uses and needs of refractory metals – Patrice Christmann
- Refractory metals primary resources in Europe – Guillaume Bertrand, BRGM
- Industrial waste resources – Xianfeng Hu, MEFOS
- EoL resources – John Bacher, VTT
State of the art
- W production – Jason Yang, GTK
- Mo production – MEFOS
- Re production – Witold Kurylak, IMN
- Ta/Nb production – Amphos 21
- Substitution potential of Refractory Metals – Paivi Kivikyto-Reponen, VTT
- Mirroring – Santiago Cuesta, ICCRAM
- Feedback from the Expert Committees – Susanna Casanovas, AMPHOS 21
Friday 10 March
Future value chains, Innovation Pathways
- W – Yongxiang Yang, Tu Delft
- Mo – Lena Sunqvist, MEFOS
- Re – Burçak Esin, Chalmers
- Ta/Nb – Didier Hartmann, CEA
- Management of waste from primary sources processing – Antoni Politis, NTUA/CARTIF
- Management of waste from secondary sources processing – Pedro Acebes, CARTIF
- Management of waste from urban mines processing – Pedro Acebes, CARTIF
- Refractory metals and conflict minerals – Roland Chavasse, TIC